Qiushi Nie 🤗

Hi there, welcome!

I’m Qiushi Nie (聂秋实), currently pursuing master’s degree at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in the iMED research group supervised by Jiang Liu. I received my B.Eng. in Computer Science and Technology from SUSTech in 2022.

My research goal is to develop deep learning algorithms that can be applied to medical images to assist doctors in diagnosis and surgical planning and benefit people’s health. To this end, my interests lie at the intersection of deep learning, medical image analysis, and computer vision. Currently, I’m working on Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) segmentation.

As this is the last year of my master’s degree, I am now actively looking for PhD opportunities!

News 🔥

  • [2025/2/18] Our textbook Artificial Intelligence Multimedia Computing has been published. I’m the 3rd author!
  • [2024/12/26] My paper Reparameterized Multi-scale Transformer for Deformable Retinal Image Registration is available online. Paper link here.

Research Interests 💻

  • Medical Image Analysis, Medical Image Registration, Computer Vision

Education 🏛

  • Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China (09/2022 - 06/2025 (Expected))
    • M.S. in Electronic Science and Technology
    • GPA: 3.68/4.0
    • Advisor: Jiang Liu
  • Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China (09/2018 - 06/2022)
    • B.Eng. in Computer Science and Technology
    • GPA: 3.86/4.0 (ranking ~5%)
    • Advisor: Jiang Liu

Publications 📃

[1] Nie, Q., Zhang, X., Hu, Y. et al. Medical image registration and its application in retinal images: a review. Vis. Comput. Ind. Biomed. Art 7, 21 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s42492-024-00173-8 (Accepted)

[2] Nie, Q., Zhang, X., Chen, C. et al. Reparameterized multi-scale transformer for deformable retinal image registration. Mach. Intell. Res. (2024). https://www.mi-research.net/article/doi/10.1007/s11633-024-1525-1 (GitHub) (Accepted)

[3] Zhang, X., Nie, Q., Xiao, Z., et al. Dual-view pyramid pooling in deep neural networks for improved medical image classification and confidence calibration. (2024) (Under Review, arXiv preprint available: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.02906)

[4] Liu, J., Li S., Nie, Q., Zhang, X. 人工智能多媒体计算(Artificial Intelligence Multimedia Computing) (2025) ISBN 978-7-115-66170-8 (Chinese Textbook)

[5] Zhou, X., Hao, L., Nie, Q., et al. A novel multi-focus fusion network for retinal microsurgery. 2022 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). IEEE, 2022: 1-5. (Accepted)

[6] Hu, Y., Dong, S., Gong, M., Nie, Q., Liu, J. Self-Supervised Structure-Preserved Image Registration Framework for Multimodal Retinal Images. 2023 6th International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing (ICICSP). IEEE, 2023: 134-138. (Accepted)

Honors & Awards 🏆

  • [2018-2020] The second prize of outstanding student scholarship in SUSTech
  • [2020-2021] The first prize of outstanding student scholarship in SUSTech
  • [2022] The Outstanding Graduates Prize in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SUSTech
  • [2022] The Top Ten Graduates Nomination Award in SUSTech
  • [2023] The Star of iMED Award (for those who contributed most in my research group iMED)
  • [2021-2023] The Outstanding Teaching Assistant in SUSTech


Remarkably, I was teaching Java in SUSTech as a tutor and gained many compliments and support. Until now, nearly 1,600+ students (40% of total undergraduates) in SUSTech have taken my classes. And I’m enjoying teaching and helping noobs with fixing their bugs.

My research group, iMED, has just started to explore Education Intelligence, which aims to empower education with AI. I am one of the core members. I like to help others, and it would be even cooler if I could design an AI assistant to make help more convenient and timely!


Beyond academics, I have a wide range of interests. I enjoy singing and sometimes rap. I have performed on many big stages (though they weren’t actually that big, haha).

Recently, I’ve become fascinated with board games, particularly strategy ones like Ark Nova, for their strategic depth and requirement for long-term planning and rational competition.

Last Updated on: Feb. 18th, 2025